Chapter 1:
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Since the magical conclave ruled the small nation of Dalaran, some of the Kirin Tor, found it normal that the world of Azeroth has never known anything but the constant bloodshed. The Trolls, lived before the formation of the Alliance Lordaeron, and when mankind had dealt with this threat for the last time the first wave of orcs had descended on the land, coming from a horrible rip the very fabric of the universe. At first, nothing seemed able to stop these grotesque invaders, but gradually it seemed to be a horrible slaughter had become a place where there was only a dead dying. The battles had been won by attrition. Hundreds died on both sides, and all apparently without a reason. For years, the Kirin Tor conclave had not foreseen no end.
But that soon changed definitely. The Alliance had finally managed to push back the Horde, eventually made him completely. Even the great leader of the orcs, the legendary Doom Hammer Orgrim had been unable to halt the advancing armies and finally capitulated, with the irregularity of its renegade clan, and his few surviving invaders, who had been arrested in enclaves and were kept under surveillance by certain military units led personally by members of the Knights of the Silver Hand. For the first time in many years, the place fell a lasting peace appeared to be a promise and a desire not to faint.
. . . a sense of unease still touched the Superior Council of the Kirin Tor. Thus it was that the highest of high met in the Hall of air, so called because like a room without walls, just a vast sky, always changing, with clouds, light and darkness, racing assistant teacher had passed as if time had accelerated world. The gray, stone floor with its bright diamond symbol, representing the four elements, gave strength to the whole scene.
Certainly the wizards themselves did nothing about it, because they, dressed in dark robes were one seemed to waver with the movements of sky, almost as if they too were no more than an illusion. Although their numbers included men and women, each time one of them spoke, at that moment his face became a face partially visible, if somewhat confusing detail.
There were six in this meeting, the six highest ranking, but not necessarily the most gifted. The leaders of the Kirin Tor were chosen from several places, mainly by magic.
But one of them says: "Something is happening in Khaz Modan," said the first with a loud voice, the vague image of a bearded face briefly visible. A pattern of infinity of stars floated through his body. "Near or in caves held by the Dragonmaw clan." "Tell us something we do not already know," gasped the second, yes, an older woman, but still firm to his will. A moon briefly shone through his ornament. "These orcs are the only of the few holdouts, now that Doom Hammer warriors have surrendered and the boss is gone."
The magician clearly for the first time took some misgivings, but he remained calm when he answered . - Very good! " This may be interested more.... I think that Deathwing is running again ... ... "
This startled the others, including older women. Suddenly the night became day, something that the audience know it, for them, this was something common in this room. The third of those who were in the room and the manager clearly did not believe in this statement.
"Wing Death is dead!" stated the third, and mentioned that His body "was immersed in water for months after this council met and a very strong and deadly blow! struck him there under the sea. No dragon even he could bear so hard! "
Some of the others nodded, but the former continued." And where is the body? Ala Muerte is like any other dragon. Even before the goblins will stamp their scaly skin with adamantium plates, offered him a threat
with the possibility that the dwarves of the Horde. . . . "
" But what is evidence of their existence? "Asked a young woman in the flower clearly
of youth. Not as experienced as others, but still powerful enough to be one of the council.
"What?" "The death of two red dragons, two belonging to Alexstrasza. Torn one way, only one of its own class, or one of gigantic proportions, could have achieved that."
"There are other big dragons. "
A storm began to rage, lightning and rain fell over the audience and yet not to them or touching the ground. The storm passed in the blink of an eye, a burning sun, again appearing above. The first of the Kirin Tor, who did not give importance to the last screen. "Some people have obviously never seen
Deathwing work, you never made that statement."
"Maybe as you say," said the fifth, contour of a face vaguely elf appeared and disappeared faster than the storm. "And if so, a question of import, we can not deal with it for now. Si Alamuerte vive y ahora golpea a cabo en clase a su mayor rival, entonces sólo nos beneficia.
Después de todo, Alexstrasza sigue siendo el cautivo de clan Faucedraco, y es su descendencia que los orcos la hayan usado durante años para causar derramamiento de sangre y el caos en toda la Alianza. ¿Nos hemos olvidado tan pronto todas las
tragedias de la Tercera Flota de Kul Tiras? Sospecho que el Señor Almirante Daelin Proudmoore nunca lo hará. Después de de todo, él perdió a su hijo mayor y todos los demás a bordo de los seis barcos grandes cuando la monstruosa roja leviatanes fell on them.
Probably if the black beast, Deathwing, was responsible for two deaths, were it not true that ... if it were still the same as before because they would be given a medal of honor brave .
No one disputes that point, even the mage first.
powerful vessels, he had only stayed wood chips and only some bodies had not been because of destruction. Lord Admiral Proudmoore no hesitation in his determination, and immediately ordered the construction warships to replace those destroyed and pushed to the war.
"And as I said before, we can not deal with that situation, not many
more immediate issues to deal with."
"You mean the truth Alterac crisis?" thundered the bearded wizard. Continua "Why
Lordaeron and Stromgarde sniper concern us more than the possible return of Deathwing ? "
"For now Gilneas has thrown its weight on the situation."
Again see the magician another move. The sixth was not talking yet, little by little his slightly portly shadow stepped into the elven way ..............
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