Saturday, December 11, 2010

Live Poets Society Of New Jersey

Create original and successful E-books: What If not compete to Succeed?

Crear Originales y Exitosos E-books. Y si no competimos para tener exito Very interesting video I found on YouTube based on the popular and famous book Blue Ocean Strategy and whose philosophy is to win over non-compete. Not to compete to succeed. An example to inspire digital entrepreneurs Write to Create and E-books, reports, infoproduct, Publi-writing that have or want to succeed.

The metaphor used by authors W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne in their famous bestseller tells us that most companies are competing for the same customers, within the same market, and make an analogy to a red ocean. Red indicates blood, because companies, like sharks, are torn between them, in a vicious destructive competition. Many times in a price war front, where the company survives less damaged.

In contrast, other companies create blue oceans to find underserved customers, discover new market niches and offer value propositions original and creative. Blue indicates high growth markets with no direct competition.

In the book, the company are accustomed to Cirque du is brought as an example and is the cornerstone of this philosophy of what it means to create a blue ocean and is what we see in this video.

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