Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Herpes Facialis Fotos

Chapter 12: Romanov


"If humans have to cheat and lie, because we can not do it? "

The old woman nodded her head and began to help vlad to find information. She looked at the books Puder, and he was flying in search of more books old, who were the ones on the shelves more high-rays

.. everything that comes here is the same .. as in the history books ...

-vlad, I found something ... "the old woman begins to read a passage from the Book- "During his brief imprisonment in Perm in 1918, Princess Helena Petrovna, the wife of a distant cousin of Anastasia, Prince Ioann Konstantinovich Russia, explained that a guard brought his cell to a girl named Anastasia Romanova and asked if the girl was the daughter of the Tsar. The refusal of Helena Petrovna, the guard again led the "

-a guard? Then her if she was alive ...?

-wait, there's more here .. "A report is of more credibility by some historians, says that eight witnesses saw armed guards captured a young woman who tried to flee the platform 37 of a railway station northeast of Perm, in September 1918. The witnesses were cited Maxim Grigoriev, Tatiana Sitnikov and his son Feodor Sitnikov, Ivan and Matrona Kuklin Kuklin, Vasili Riábov, Ustinia Barankin, and Dr. Pavel Utkin, a doctor who treated the girl after the incident "

Vlad began to draw some conclusions from that. Maybe she was not a vampire, because he had been attended to his wounds, and was about to resign, but Alice leaves no doubt that the vampire had

-vlad .. all those people died ...

- What are you saying?

-is what he says in this book ... "3 years later, the Red Army guards saw a girl with the description of Anastasia, covered in blood, fled on a train to France. After conducting some research, they found 8 dead people were related to the woman they had seen "

-that means ..

-your girlfriend is a vampire ...

Meanwhile, Lucifer heads towards the bar, shocked, bewildered to hear so queacaba; the hunger that had at first was gone, I was too shocked to think about

sa not only had met a descendant of Till, but this .. "I had a daughter, sister, or what out? That was too much for him. I could not believe I kept walking

the crowd, up to a dark street. Was lost in the darkness, his eyes twinkled in the dim moonlight.

finally reached the bar. Was closed, as they had left, so he decided to enter through the back door to not disturb anyone

Angel was sleeping on the couch, with several empty ostomy bags of blood. Will not yet returned, Daniel was in his coffin and Jake went in his room.

"Apparently all it took its rest ...

-Lucifer? What time is it? "He says angel, a little sleepy-

early, should be like 12 or something like that, where is Jake?

-jake has not left his room .. What happens?

-meets everyone with Jake, I have something important to say

Later they were all gathered outside the door of Jake's room. Not hear any sound, so that Lucifer entered just to make sure that your meister was well

-Jake? Are you here?

The boy was sitting under the window, wearing the same clothes the day before, covered in blood. The same in the room. Was completely


-only was remembering the day that Wendy decided to follow

-jake ...

-do not understand why you have to go with his meister .. never been worried about it ..

-hear .. because you do not get so

-know .. I think it's time to get over it ..

-also do not understand why you get depressed much for Wendy, I thought not support it!

-you're saying? "The boy turned to see Lucifer and before they realize this and are face to face, looking into her eyes never ever say I can not stand any of my brothers ... NEVER !

-yo.. –el vampiro estaba soprendido por la reacción de Jake- …comprendo.. lamento haber dicho eso…

-a todo esto.. ¿a que viniste?... ¿a que vinieron?


-me crees tonto? Se muy bien que los demás están afuera… ¿Qué es lo que quieren?

-esta bien… te lo dire… -el chico cambia su expresion a una de preocupación-encontre otro descendiente de Till..

-estas bromeando? Como es posible?

-no lo se.. supongo que es hermana, o hija del tipo que vino al bar la otra noche

-Is a girl?

-si. Must not have more than 15 years, I guess

-ray .. a girl ... more problems in less than 1 week ..

The other boys enter the room, knowing that Jake was already aware that they were there

-we're going to do about it, Jake? -Angel spoke to him a little unsure, two descendants is too much, and if he learns Till this can be dangerous ...

, you're right, Angel ... do not worry about it, Lucifer and I are going to solve the problem

-do not want our help?

-mirate, Daniel –jake le responde de mala gana-crees que vas a poder ayudarme con tu estado? No lo creo, ni siquiera puedes buscar tu propio alimento…!

-el hecho de que te sientas miserable porque Wendy haya encontrado a su meister y tu no, –will interrumpe los insultos de Jake- no significa que tengas que ofendernos carajo!

El rubio les da la espalda a todos, un tanto avergonzado por lo que había dicho anteriormente

-solamente necesito que Luzbel me ayude, ya que el ha visto a los 2 desendientes

Mientras tanto, vlad buscaba la ubicación de Anastasia. Ya había comprobado que ella estaba viva, y que had been turned into a vampire at about the same time that he was converted. It must now find and talk to her.

After many years of not knowing it, to suffer in silence his absence, could not sit idly d knowing that she was still alive, began to remember the last time I had that feeling, and had spent some years , Vlad had been visiting a woman named Anna Anderson, who claimed to be Anastasia, but the name was changed to flee. He went to visit her, but discovered that there was the real Anastasia, because she did not recognize him.

Their hopes had died since then. Until that night there was no searched for the possibility that Anastasia was a vampire.

After much asking around on the internet, I can find something. The last time you saw a woman like the Grand Duchess was in 1932 in a brothel in France, where he attacked several people.

-cannot be ... "vlad was more than surprised-Anastasia ... is the meister of Wendy ....!

Later, Lucifer and jake were heading to the park, where Lucifer had met the girl

-is here, right?

-si, this is the place ... I think we should come tomorrow .. I asked her to come

"we can not wait that long. You better find out where you live

-and how to determine that?

-very simple. Where was she when you met?

-was sitting there, "said the vampire, pointing to the foot of the tree-What will you do?

-only notes

The blonde leaned over and touched the place where the girl was sitting. Closed his eyes for a moment. A strange cold wind and began to flood the environment. Jake's eyes shone like jewels, until the wind stopped completely. The boy got up and saw Lucifer, nonchalantly

"The girl lives near from here, and yes, that this Bill is his father-like

knew all that?

-I have a look wahnsinn variant you have, the Spion look ..

-understand. Then we will look

Rachel was upset. I hated the fact that his father was watching her all the time "was not so when my mother lived," he thought. He was in his room, reading. I had no desire to sleep and was even thinking of the boy he had met in the park. It was the kind of guys you see at school, he was .. different. Had something in which you pay too much attention, something magical, but did not know was.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the window. He was surprised that, yfuea see. What she saw surprised

-hi, Rachel ...

-aah! "The girl gave a little jump in fright and took a few steps back, you do here? And .. as you know where I live?

"I'm sorry, Lucifer watched with feigned innocence, could not wait until tomorrow to talk to you

-yeah right, what a joke, boy, the girl opens the window go, go, before

freeze you

The boy enters the room of the young. It's a small room full of voodoo dolls and some gothic props. To be a girl's room was scary.

-go .. I like your room

-you love to joke, right? "She tells the girl, with a slight smile How did you know where I live?

-wondering ...

Both were chatting, Rachel was a very nice young man, "certainly, if Lila had her age as she would" think Lucifer. Apparently began to feel sympathy for her, without forgetting its objective, which was to extract information Till about the location of

Meanwhile, Jake was in the attic of the house, looking for whatever was necessary to find the damn Till. There were pictures of Rachel and Bill, old documents, some photos of old houses, but none was related to Till.

-curse ...

in the next room. Bill heard strange noises coming from the ceiling. At first I thought it was a mouse or something. But he stood up immediately when I hear voices

took the pistol he kept in a drawer and the office. Left your room cautiously and started up the stairs, reaching the attic. He could not find anyone, saw only scrambled papers everywhere and some boxes scattered on the floor. Inspect all the attic but I can not find anyone, so what was thrown accommodation and return to your room

jake was levitating above Bill, had an overwhelming desire to kill him, by the strong resemblance he had with Till, but to see the attitude of the man decided not to.

-this is a normal person .. I do not think you know anything about vampire Till or their offspring ..

Meanwhile, Lucifer and Rachel were talking, she talked about the gothic world and its history, and Lucifer pretending to be surprised by the knowledge of it. Almost reached the hour of dawn, missing a few hours, so Lucifer goodbye to the young

-I have to go, Rachel. It was good to talk to you again, I suppose

I say the same thing. Also speak 2 times in less than 12 hours .. that's a record no?

-haha I think if it is a record, "says the vampire, smiling now I have to go

The boy blithely dismisses the young, and leaves. She watches him until he lost in the dark

Jake was waiting a few blocks later

-no Till I found nothing about ... but I saw their offspring, and look a lot ... not to say that they are identical ..

"I told you, Jake. The girl does not know anything about Till


often follows, perhaps that damn lock their memories, or something like

-right ...

Meanwhile, Vlad was in the old library, waiting

Anastasia-Anastasia Romanov

! I know you're here! I, Vlad!

No one answered his call


The vampire drew from his pocket the caller that Jake had given him. Closed his eyes, thinking about it, thinking about his voice, in his words, in the time they were together, began to call to mind and short arm.

Before I could realize, someone was licking his bleeding arm, covering the wound, up to his mouth and kiss him with unrestrained passion, something we already knew Vlad

-are you ... "he says the vampire, between kisses, "you Anastasia!

-finally came back to me, Vlad ... at last we are together again ...


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